We are looking for young musicians (aged 13 - 20) from the East Riding area to be involved in creating the soundtrack for our silent film. This will involve working alongside an
experienced composer developing ideas and recording them. As our film is a silent film, there is a great emphasis on creating a fantastic soundtrack.
At this stage we are asking for
submissions of interest, with details of instruments you play and levels. We will need this information by 10 August (if you find out about this project after this date – still get in touch we may still have space!) We need to know your name, age, address and instruments you play and to what level. You can email this information to
goolesilentmovie@hotmail.co.uk or post it to Goole Silent Movie Project, c/o Nicola Dixon, Goole Town Council, 17 - 23 Gladstone Terrace, Goole DN14 5AQ.
Recording will take place during the summer holiday break
Look forward to hearing from you