Saturday, 8 November 2008

"The Lost Princess" screens at co-op young filmmakers

It was brilliant to meet up with so many of the film-makers and see their films on the big screen at the  Cooperative Young Filmmakers Festival at the National Media Museum on Fri 10th Oct.

"The lost Princess" screened in the wonderful Pictureville cinema one of the few non-competitive young people's film-making festivals in the world, it is a celebration of film that allows young people to see their work on the big screen and explore their creativity through event workshops. 

 What a buzz!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Goole Silent Movie sails to Switzerland

"Dr A D Holmes" and "The Lost Princess" screened in Switzerland at the Super8 Special 2008 on Saturday! Rain put pay to plans to screen the films outside, but neues kino was nearly full with a crowd of about 60 people watching the program. Also quite a lot of filmmakers were there in person.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

John Andrews back in Cinema

What do Zombie Movies and Bollywood have in common? Check out John Andrews latest film performance, who played the Inspector in The Lost Princess, and find out! Peter M Kershaw was so impressed with his acting talent, that he invited him to star in his latest short film, Cinema.

David Kendea, who played the Sea Captian, also stars. Cinema of Horror can currently be seen on the internet at Virgin Shorts.

Friday, 11 July 2008

Goole Silent Movie screens at Culture Shock

It was great to see Becky, Jonny and other cast and crew members supporting Goole Silent Movie at the Culture Shock Festival in Northallerton. "Dr AD Holmes" and "The Lost Princess" played throughout the day last Saturday in Northallerton in Yorkshires biggest youth festival. I say others, because they were all wearing lots of face paint, from the circus tent, I presume, so hard to recognise! I was working at the festival in my flipbook animation tent. What a great day!

Friday, 4 April 2008

The Lost Princess screens in Cambridge!

Congratulations to everyone on Goole Silent Movie!

"The Lost Princess", written by Rebecca Stothert & Emma Gill and directed by Rebecca Stothert will be screened in Competition at the Cambridge Super8 Film Festival.
The Cambridge International Super8 Film Festival shows the best films originated on the Super 8 format.
The Lost Princess was shot on black & white Super 8 film, sponsored by Kodak and produced using optical process emulating the techniques of the silent period to produce a truly authentic historical film.

The Super 8mm film format has undergone a creative renaissance in the last five years due to the digital revolution and the re-discovery of small film by users the world over. In 2007, the first Cambridge Super 8 Festival was a hugely successful event with more than 70 films in 3 competitive programs and 2 non-competitive programs. All genres of film were represented (animation, fiction, documentary and experimental film), illustrating the diversity of the format and our film selection.
"The Lost Princess" is playing on Thursday 24th of April at 8pm in The Centre @ St Pauls Hill road Cambridge.