Wednesday 2 May 2007

Pitch Perfect

Back from America for Sunday's Gong Show, here's director Peter Kershaw's last minute advice on how to pitch perfect...

Remember the who, where, when, style (genre) and content.
Does your project have a TITLE?
What IS IT LIKE? (Other story examples similar to your story we may have seen).
WHO is your story about – i.e. WHO is your MAIN CHARACTER?
happens to your main character?
WHAT starts their adventure?
WHO IS THE OPPONENT – i.e. WHO is trying to stop your MAIN CHARACTER achieve their goal?
HOW will the story end?
WHERE is it set?
HOW long do you think it will be?
As it’s a silent movies – think how animation and other effects could be used to tell your story.

Good luck (I like chocolate milk buttons if that helps)!

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